Sunday 2 September 2007

Last week of preparation

Well, here it is - the last week before we are due to depart. For me this feels iminent, because, as I am travelling from Aberdeen to the start of the ride (at Hendaye) by Train, I have chosen to leave on the Thursday night sleeper. This will get me to Hendaye on Saturday morning after taking another sleeper from Paris.
But, and it's a big but, it is the daytime trip London - Paris on the Eurostar that worries me. This is beacause, whilst on the sleepers I will travel with my bike, on the Eurostar I have to send it on ahead. Being a 'worst case scenarion' man, this is giving me a serious case of the colliwobbles. If my bike doesn't turn up in Paris on time, I will miss my sleeper, and everything becomes very complicated.
So, here's hoping.


Anonymous said...

I know you're doing your "worst case scenario" planning style, but I reckon if you explain the specific reason for your journey, folk will be nice to you. But then I am always ridiculously optimistic about such things.

mad said...

well done with the blog, JR!!!

will be keeping most things crossed for safe transits of wheels, and good luck with the trip!!

happy pedalling!