Friday 21 September 2007

Day 12 - Last day.

Tracey reporting Jeremy's pre-photocall snippet.

When the group left their impressive accomodation this morning, they were hoping for a fairly easy last day after yesterday's slog, but it wasn't to be. The on-shore wind had already begun to get up, so they had to battle against it all day. They also still had 700m of climbing to do, despite this being a relatively flat route. Added to that, was a bit of excitement when John H's saddle-pin sheared off. Amazingly, they found a bike shop almost immediately - but it was closed for a 3.5 hour lunch hour!! They didn't quite want such a long break themselves, so they rigged a cable-tie fix, though this still meant that John had to cycle without sitting down properly for 12 miles. Fortunately, they then found a really nice bike shop that mended the attachment quickly and effectively.

By the time the guys reached the Mediterranean, the sky was looking stormy, but weather held for them. They finished at 5.15pm local time, celebrating the end of their trip, and 21000m total climb, with champagne by the sea. Hopefully photos will follow shortly.

Well done guys, and thanks again to the rest of the team!


mad said...

jumping up and down (very gently!) in celebration!!

well done LeKnees!!

(and - whew! avoiding the dead saddle! a feat of willpower!)


Roy Everitt said...

Wonderful effort everyone, and congratulations to you all.

Brilliant, just brilliant. I bet the champagne tasted sweet!

Looking forward to catching up :)


Anonymous said...

Well done all - I'm impressed, not least because you *all* made it! So, muchos respect from another cyclist!

Having cycled with Jeremy a few times - and indeed discussed this very idea many years ago - I know the appeal of the combination of hard work and exhilaration of a hilly (!) cycle tour - but also how challenging it is.

Best wishes to you all,

Roy Everitt said...

John and John, JR and Paul
saw the mountains – rode them all.

Saw the oceans, coast to coast,
rode them down – no meagre boast.

Two legendary seas were claimed
twelve days apart, and these were named

Atlantis and the Middle Earth:
Two places on a chainwheel’s girth

held separate by the wheel of time,
(each tooth another hill to climb).

With scattered cattle, horses, goats,
more sheep than on the John O’Groats,

the task was daunting, plans were changed,
then fixed, the rendezvous arranged -

At last the legends drew their maps
and set their compasses, perhaps,

and trained until their fibres burst
and bid the mountains do their worst

and rode the steepest climbs of all -
John and John, JR and Paul.

John and John, JR and Paul
rode the mountains – beat them all.

mad said...

Loud applause!!!!